Male, all ethnicities, 40s-60s. Seeking strong improv actor with voice over skills, animated and over the top energy. This :30 spot is for regional on-camera and radio. Only talent who agrees to all of the terms should apply, terms are non-negotiable.
Female, all ethnicities, mid-late 30s. Seeking strong improv actor with voice over skills. Game contestant with soccer mom personality, high energy, animated and ready to win! This :30 spot is for regional on-camera and radio. Only talent who agrees to all of the terms should apply, terms are non-negotiable.
1. Email headshot, resume and links to legit, commercial and VO reels
2. Attach three self-tapes:
a) Slate (close up) name/agency/current height/weight/location base. Then zoom out for full body shot and profiles.
b) Script 1 (click to download)
c) Script 2 (click to download)
DEADLINE: 9am Sunday, 10/6/19
EMAIL: johanna@tcreativescasting.com
SUBJECT LINE: Gifting Responsibly